Cleaning, cooking, personal admin, assistance with shopping, attending appointments, occasional walks, occasional social requirements
Any gender, not allergic to mice, no experience necessary
I'm 29 years old, multiply disabled and live with ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), CPTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder), OSDD (otherwise specified dissociative disorder), depression and anxiety. I also have a labral tear in my left hip and an undiagnosed underlying issue which causes chronic pain and mobility restrictions. I'm transgender, queer and use he/they pronouns so any potential employee has to be LGBT informed and friendly.
I live alone in Fallowfield in a first floor flat (five steps up to the front entrance) and am a short 2 minute walk to the main bus rout into Manchester.
My disabilities mean I spend a lot of time in bed, I struggle to expend any energy without paying for it in the following days and so I follow a strict pacing method in order to reduce symptoms. This means a very restricted lifestyle and reduced capacity to carry out basic tasks.
I play a lot of video games, I like music and attend gigs when I am able to, I make zines, enjoy film and TV, listen to lots of podcasts and audiobooks and I have three pet mice that I enjoy watching and taking care of. I like to walk around the local parks when I have the capacity and in the next year I hope to have a mobility scooter to make this easier.